Nino Žganec


Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Law
Department of Social Work
Nazorova 51
10000 Zagreb



Social Work


Croatian, English, German

Teaching Subjects

Community Social Work, Social Work Ethics and Human Rights, Theory of Social Work

Current Activities

Assoc. Professor at Social Work Department, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Member of the Steering Commitee of Association for Promoting Inclusion, Croatia;
Associate of numeoruos Croatian and foreign nongovernmental organization;
Course director at the Dubrovnik Summer School of Social Work – Course Developing Neighborhood and Community Support System

Fields of (Scientific) Interest

Theory and Methodology of Social Work;
Ethics of Social Work;
Human Rights;
Organization of Social Services.

Current research interests

Organization of Social Services, Community Development, Community Care, Deinstitutionalization