SUMMER SCHOOL ‘Refugee children and families in Europe: social work and counselling’
Odisee, the university college in Brussels, will organize a summer school on the topic ‘Refugee children and families in Europe: social work and counselling’ from 24 June 2019 until 5 July 2019. This two-week summer course introduces key issues in social work and counselling for refugee families and children to students and professionals. Participants will get a thorough theoretical basis in lectures and workshops offered by specialized psychologists and social scientists. Field visits of organisations working with refugee families and children will confront the participants with relevant methodologies and how to apply them in this context.
The summer school approved for 3 ECTS. The programme is also open to professionals.
You can also find some more information on our website: http://www.kcgezinswetenschappen.be/nl/node/726