ESEIS – École Supérieure Européenne de l’Intervention Sociale
3 rue Sédillot
67000 Strasbourg
The school helps future social workers and current social services face the complexity of their evolving functions. The courses give a sound basis for self-development in combining personal skills, ability, knowledge and a willingness to improve, as well as a better understanding of other people.
The school is divided into three departments :
- The Department of Bachelor degrees (Département de Formation initiale) prepares students to become social workers (Assistant de Service Social – ASS) and educators (Éducateur Spécialisé – ES or Éducateur Technique Spécialisé – ETS).
- The Continuing Vocational Training Department (Département de formation continue) – at times, in partnership with universities – develops academic training courses, in connection with initial education, leading to diplomas as well as interschool or specific on-site training, leading to qualification. It includes the Training Centre of Directors.
- The Department of research and social work investigation (Développement et Recherche)