The regional forum with international participation on “Good educational and professional practices” took place on May 30, 2018 at University of Rousse. It was organized at the initiative of the University of Rousse through the Social Worker’s Club in partnership with the Rousse Municipality, the Friendly Support Foundation and the National Alliance for Social Responsibility. The event was attended by 165 social work experts from municipalities and social assistance directorates, social services providers and managers, representatives of NGOs, social workers, university lecturers and students. It involved the Chairman of the Board of the Bulgarian Association of the Social Workers.
In the foyer of the university an exhibition with information materials and applied works, made by users of many social services in Ruse Municipality, Orthodox Center for Spiritual Care of Drug Addicts – Varna Municipality, Svishtov Municipality and others was presented.
The forum was opened by Assoc. Prof. Sasho Nunev, PhD, congratulating the participants and guests and who presented its organization, purpose and expected results. Vice-Rector of the quality education and continuing education of the University of Rousse welcomed the participants and wished success to the event. Video greetings were presented by the academic colleges of University of Pitesti, Romania and Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Belarus. The participants in the forum were greeted with an interesting dance composition of children-users at Daycare Center for Children with Disabilities “Winnie the Pooh” – Ruse.
The work on the first part of the forum started with a presentation by Assistant Professor Ana Dumitrescu, PhD and Assistant Professor Diana Radut-Seliste, PhD of the University of Pitesti, Romania who presented legislative and practical aspects of social work and good educational practices in the training of social workers at the University. Academic and practical aspects of the training of future specialists in social work at the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Belarus, revealed the presentation of Associate Professor Nadezhda Leonyuk, PhD. Good educational practices in the education of social work students were presented by professors from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, from Trakia University Stara Zagora, University of Ruse Angel Kanchev, Veliko Tarnovo University St. St. Cyril and Methodius, Medical University of Pleven, Technical University of Varna and Technical University of Gabrovo.
In the discussion panel positions focusing on the necessity of professionalisation of social work, creation of a career development system for social workers and conditions for continuous qualification, standardization of social work education, change of the financing of the training of the students of the specialties in the social activities professional field on the basis of its quality, promotion of education and the social work profession and uniting the academic and professional University of Ruse Angel Kanchev 70 Years Facing Knowledge, Youth and Future _______________________________________________ 7017 Ruse, 8 Studentska str. eims@uni-ruse.bg; tel. +359 82 888 650
community in their efforts to promote and develop were presented. So far, authorities in Bulgaria have not done the necessary to protect the education and the profession of social work and to introduce appropriate regulations. The academic and professional communities of social workers need to unite and make their fair demands on them.
The second part of the forum includes the presentation of good professional practices to the Ruse Municipality in partnership with University of Ruse (professional field Social Work) and non-governmental organizations, good practices of mentoring of social work students at the Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities (Child and Space Association), social services for women and children, victims of trafficking and violence (SOS families at risk Foundation – Varna), combating drug addiction problems through the Orthodox prism (Orthodox Center for Spiritual Care of Drug Addicts – Varna), good practices in working with children with autism (Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities – Svishtov), applying of software products in social services (municipality Veliko Tarnovo), therapeutic activities with people with disabilities (Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration – Silistra), innovative practices in resident type social services in Razgrad Municipality. In the discussion panel, the second part of the forum highlighted views on improving the financing of social services, developing the status of the social work profession and supporting the proposals from the previous panel.
All participants agreed that integrating academic and professional communities of social workers and the active interaction between education and practice with a focus on raising their quality and initiating changes in them would contribute to tackling the challenges of today’s social, political, economic and demographic conditions. This according to them is largely determined by legislative changes that must be made for the professionalisation of social work and regulation of social work education and profession. The forum will continue to take place over the coming years, providing more opportunities for exchanging good educational and professional practices in the interest of educating competent social workers and improving the quality and the effectiveness of social services.
Assoc. Prof. Sasho Nunev, PhD
Chairperson of the Expert Council on Professional Field of Social Work,
University of Rouse Angel Kanchev
More information:INFORMATION-EASSW-01-06-2018