Recruitment of Editor in Chief European Journal of Social Work
European Journal of Social Work provides a peer reviewed, international forum for research into the work of the social professions. It promotes critical analysis of European and international developments in social work, social policy, social service institutions and strategies for social change. Recognising the diversity of cultural and conceptual traditions in which the social professions are grounded, it explores their specific competence in advancing social justice and human rights and examines emerging European paradigms in methodology and comparative analysis.
The Editor in Chief is responsible for leadership of the journal and for the coordination and processing of content for publication, taking ultimate responsibility for editorial decision-making and for the journal’s on-going development. They are supported in this by three Associate Editors, a Reviews Editor, and an editorial board, as well as by the editorial and production staff at Routledge, the publishers of the journal.
Main tasks include:
- Providing leadership to the editorial board to facilitate the contributions of all involved with the journal;
- Ensuring that the journal’s content meets the highest research standards and makes an original contribution to knowledge in the field;
- Processing manuscript submissions via the online submissions system, ScholarOne Manuscripts™, including assigning manuscripts to referees for peer review, making final editorial decisions on submissions and maintaining clear and efficient communications with authors, peer reviewers and the publisher;
- Promoting the work of the journal to the academic community and representing the journal at relevant events and conferences, including the provision of writing workshops for early career researchers;
- Identifying strategies to enhance the quality and reputation of the journal, working with the publishers to implement such strategies and to build on the journal’s success;
- Ensuring that in all its activities the journal demonstrates adherence to principles of ethical publishing, including action to promote equality, inclusion and non-discrimination.
The role is not remunerated, however Routledge provides an annual financial contribution to the expenses incurred in fulfilling editorial responsibilities, including administrative support and editorial board meetings (currently held biennially).
As an English language journal, European Journal of Social Work conducts its communications within the editorial board and with its publisher, authors and peer reviewers in English. While a good working knowledge of the language is therefore necessary, these networks are of course multilingual, and the journal seeks to be inclusive in its language expectations. Articles accepted for publication are copy-edited and typeset by Routledge.
The ideal editor-in-chief candidate:
The successful applicant will have an established record of scholarship and recognised expertise in the work of the social professions and be actively involved with European networks within the field. They will also be able to demonstrate:
- Extensive knowledge of contemporary challenges and debates in social work research, policy and practice;
- An excellent track record of research and publication;
- Sound understanding of journal quality markers and wide experience of peer review;
- Experience of editorial board work in an international journal context;
- Excellent written and verbal communication, including working proficiency in English language;
- Evidenced commitment to participatory management and shared decision-making;
- Evidenced commitment to equality, inclusion and non-discrimination;
- Ability to manage online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems;
- Suitable arrangements to secure administrative support and ensure the administrative smooth-running of the journal;
- Evidenced efficiency in managing work to tight deadlines.
The journal is open to receiving proposals for a joint appointment between two people, provided roles and overall responsibility are clearly delineated.
The newly appointed Editor in Chief will work with the current Editor in Chief, Professor Suzy Braye, in a phased transition period before assuming sole responsibility in 2019.
For further details and informal discussion of the role:
Potential applicants may contact the current Editor in Chief for informal discussion about the role: Professor Suzy Braye, s.braye@sussex.ac.uk
Application Process:
To apply, please send your CV and a covering letter detailing your relevant experience and your vision for the journal under your Editorship. Applications should be submitted to:
Anna Parkinson, Routledge Journals: anna.parkinson@tandf.co.uk
The closing date for applications is 7th September 2018. Interviews are likely to take place during the autumn of 2018, and shortlisted applicants can expect to be invited to meet with representatives of the editorial board.
All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Routledge will judge each on its merits without regard to institutional affiliation, age, colour, creed, disability status, gender, national origin, ‘race’, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status, or any other legally protected status.
About the Journal
European Journal of Social Work is included in the ©2017 Clarivate Analytics, 2017 release of the Journal Citation Reports®
Volume 21, 2018, 6 issues per year, Print ISSN: 1369-1457, Online ISSN: 1468-2664