Project Social Work and the challenges of diversity in urban neighborhoods published!
EASSW would like to announce that University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Netherlands) with its partners has finished project Social Work and the Challenges of Diversity in Urban Neighborhoods, which was funded from EASSW Small project funds. Project focus was on how social professionals deal with different tensions/challenges in urban neighborhoods, in which they work
During project two-day seminar with discussions, World Café method and other activities were implemented.
As a final product of the project a booklet has been made of the major outcomes, that can be used in social work education. You may find it here: https://www.eassw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Urban-diversities-booklet-final-version-january-23-2020.pdf
Report of the project you will find here: https://www.eassw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/DiversityUrbanNeighborhoods_UTRECHT.pdf
Those EASSW members who would like to implement their ideas into activities are welcome to apply for Small project funds, deadline for application in September 1, 2020! You may check our guideline and more informations about how to apply here: https://www.eassw.org/call-for-project/