ECSWR 2020
The 10th edition of The European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR 2020) will be held in Bucharest, Romania between the 22nd and the 24th of April 2020.
The conference will be hosted by The Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest.The overarching theme of the conference is:
“Social work research: Contributing to innovation in practice, policy and social development”
Social work research encompasses a rich mix of methodologies and underpinning epistemologies. How does this diversity lead to innovation in social work practice, policy and social development? How does this variety prompt different approaches to the nature, possibilities, implementation and effectiveness of innovation? How can the different social work research contributions to innovations within Europe and across the globe be multiplied and disseminated across diverse cultures/regions? What are the distinctive contributions of social work research to these innovations, in context of wider contributions of social sciences and humanities?
Local Co-Chair
ESWRA Vice-Chair