EASSW statement on the Ukrainian crisis
EASSW statement on the Ukrainian crisis
Dear colleagues and friends,
We have been facing unexpected crisis (financial and health) the past few years at a global and European level too. Nevertheless, we stood together and regardless of race, ethnicity, religious identity, we managed to progress despite the loss of friends, relatives and colleagues.
However, the past few days we have been witnessing a far more serious crisis. A war conflict where Russian troops have invaded Ukraine . Such an act regardless of motives that led to it, it is a violation of human rights, suppression of the ultimate human right that of Freedom! The act of war should not be tolerated by any human being, as it causes loss, grief, pain and terror to all involved especially to those who are victims and suffer due to such an invasion. Especially, it should not be accepted from social workers whose aim and goal is to promote social cohesion, social welfare and protect human rights under any circumstances!
We, as European Association of Schools of Social Work, that adheres to the United Nations’ Declarations and Conventions on Human Rights, recognizing that respect for the inalienable rights of the individual is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace condemn any act of invasion into people’s life. As we are united in our obligation to the continued pursuit of social justice and social development and carrying out a mission, EASSW fosters cooperation, collegiality, and interdependence among its members and with others.
We are therefore against any kind of actions similar to Russia’s invasion, and we would like to state that we stand next to Ukrainian social work teachers and practitioners who are forced to face this heroic challenge but also to all of those who suffer from both sides due to actions such as the invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine.
Please do consider our help and support, as a small act of solidarity!
On behalf of the Executive Committee of EASSW
Christos Panagiotopoulos