Call for application for "The Peace project Continues with CIF as An Educational Tool"
CIF Italia welcomes 3 professionals from the human services field and a Social Work master degree student to participate in the two-week professional and cultural exchange programme in Italy.
Who can apply?
Professionals in human services such as social workers, psychologists, educators, youth workers etc., and a SW master degree student with some work experience in the field, with functional use of English.
The 2018 Programme will be again a special one, as the Italian Branch has initiated an experimental project with IASSW opening to the participation of one Social Work Master degree student with some work experience in the field from any interested University.
The participants selected will also be able to take part in the 1st CIF Peace Project Meeting scheduled from September 27 – 30, 2018 included in their orientation.
Program Description
Orientation Session: First three days, in a place to be announced for group acquaintance, providing general information about the Programme and introduction to the CIF Peace Project.
Introduction: 1 week in S. Maria C.V. (Southern Italy near Naples) where the whole group will be introduced to the Italian social services system, within its socio-cultural-political context, through lectures and possible agency visits.
Practical part: second week with visits to public and private agencies, NGO’s, universities, related programmes and projects in the human services field selected according to the participant’s professional/academic interests.
Evaluation Session: last day, sharing of experiences, and handing out of certification of completion.
Social and cultural activities throughout the program.
Host Family Living
Host family living is a significant part of the Program where daily family life in Italian culture is experienced.
Living and Travel Expenses
CIF Italia will cover the internal transportation expenses connected to the Programme.
Host families will provide for accommodation, breakfast and dinner.
Participants will be responsible for their international travel expenses and their expenses related to lunches, extra curricular activities, and other personal expenses.
CIF Italia and host families will not cover any personal expenses.
Participants are responsible for their personal and health insurance. CIF Italia cannot be held responsible for any damages or costs relating to accidents and/or sickness that occur during the course of the Programme.
Financial Terms
€. 250 as a contribution to the programme implementation costs.
All candidates must apply through their national CIF Branch or the Contact Person where one exists. In case neither are present, they may contact the Italian Branch directly. Application forms can be obtained from CIF National Branches or the CIF web site: www.cifinternational.com and www.cifitalia.it The same procedure applies in regards to the Master Degree student, the Universities interested should process the candidacy/candidacies with the support of the CIF Branch or Contact Person of the Country (see www.cifinternational.com for available list), if neither are existent the University itself can send the application directly to CIF Italia with attached evaluation of the candidate .
March 15, 2018; CIF Italia will make the final decision in the selection of participants.
Please send the application forms via e mail to : cifitalia@cifitalia.i t
If you do not have access to e mail, mail to : CIF Italia – Via Latina 63 – 81055 S. Maria C.V. (Ce) Italia
See more information on the documents bellow!
Document 1 – CIF Italia PEP flyer 2018
Document 2 – Proposal CIF Italia IASSW