Call for Editorial Board Members and Consulting Editors -Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work
Call for Editorial Board Members and Consulting Editors
Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work is currently seeking new Editorial Board Members and Consulting Editors. Ideal candidates will have an established record of feminist scholarship, leadership, and activism. Affilia publishes work utilizing a broad range of quantitative, qualitative, and interpretive methodologies and diverse conceptual and theoretical frameworks. Particularly welcome, however, are applications from scholars engaged in postcolonial, indigenous, intersectional, and critical work, and robust knowledge of current feminist tensions, neoliberalism, criminalization, immigration, and pedagogies of liberation.
Affilia is a living record of feminist social work. As such, realization of its mission to provide an alternative space necessarily shifts as the ideas and ideals underpinning feminist practice and praxis, and their manifestation in social work, change over time. Consideration of whose voices and perspectives—what identities, from which social, geographical and theoretical locations—are and should be included in the forged space of Affilia is, therefore, the subject of ongoing review, reexamination, and renewal. Affilia’s Editorial Board Members and Consulting Editors embrace a reflexive praxis that fosters critical exploration of taken-for-granted views and assumptions.
The Editorial Board is comprised of experienced feminist scholars reflecting the diversity of social work feminisms who can make studied judgments about manuscripts, provide helpful comments for authors, encourage emerging and established feminist scholars, and serve as ambassadors for the journal. In addition, Editorial Board members collaborate with the Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editor, and the Corporate Board (Women and Social Work Inc.) to guide the vision and direction of the journal, maintain its processes, and promote its mission as an interdisciplinary international journal centered in feminist social work. Board Members:
- Serve a 3-year term;
- Review 9-12 manuscripts per year;
- Attend one in-person annual meeting* and occasional conference calls;
- Contribute to board governance and support the journal’s planning and management;
- Raise the journal’s profile by promoting the journal within their professional networks through sharing articles and encouraging manuscript submissions.
Consulting Editors work directly with the Editors-in-Chief in reviewing manuscripts for publications and:
- Serve a 2-year term;
- Review 6-12 manuscripts per year;
- Raise the journal’s profile by promoting the journal within their professional networks through sharing articles and encouraging manuscript submissions.
If you are interested in joining Affilia as an Editorial Board Member or as a Consulting Editor, please email Jennifer Zelnick by January 26 (Jennifer.zelnick@touro.edu) with a letter of interest, your CV, and an article that reflects your scholarship.
Your letter of interest should include the following:
- Indicate whether you are applying to be an Editorial Board member or a Consulting Editor (or both, if you would be willing to work in either capacity).
- Explain why you are interested in serving on Affilia’s Editorial Board and/or as a Consulting Editor. What would you like to contribute to the journal?
- Describe what makes your work feminist. Please be specific.
- Illustrate specific areas of substantive and methodological expertise you would draw upon when reviewing manuscripts, in addition to your experience reviewing manuscripts. (This will help with identifying areas that are needed for manuscript review.)
- Explain why you have chosen the specific piece of work that you have shared with our committee as an exemplar of your scholarship.
- Provide any other helpful information.
*New executive board members should plan to attend the annual meeting in spring 2020. This year’s annual executive board meeting will be hosted at the University of Pittsburgh, May 9-10. Limited travel supplements are available.