Call for Abstracts for a Special Issue Research-based Knowledge about Social Work and Sustainability
We invite you to contribute to a special journal issue that considers and deepens knowledge about social work contributions to transdisciplinary, empirical research on sustainability and sustainable development. The special issue will highlight the interconnectedness of social work interventions relating to environmental and economic sustainability.
The complexity of global sustainable development is possibly the biggest challenge of our times. A radically new level of transdisciplinary research, cross-sectoral policy-making and multi-agency practice is required in order to meet this challenge more successfully. Social work and the social problems that social workers are addressing around the globe are significantly linked with the environmental, economic and social turmoil of today’s societies. However, social work research has provided limited contributions to transdisciplinary research on sustainability. This special issue offers a platform to narrow this gap and to consider what important roles social work research and practice can play in advancing sustainable development.
Deadline for abstracts (500 words): October 14, 2018 to
Notification: October 31, 2018
See more: Call for abstracts Research on SW and Sustainability