Call for 15 SW doctoral students' paid Positions at a Marie-Curie Project about Sustainabilty and Social Work
The Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Innovative Training Network ASTRA offers 15 Early Stage Researcher Positions in the Field of Social Work
The consortium of the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie European Innovative Training Network Applying Sustainability Transition Research in Social Work tackling Major Societal Challenge of Social Inclusion – ASTRA – opens a call for 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) for three-year positions.
The ASTRA research project applies approaches grounded in principles of Transdisciplinary Sustainability Transition Research to identify and support policies and practices to tackle the major societal challenges faced in Social Work. The research programme aims to develop new sustainability-oriented methods of Social Work with a specific focus on the social inclusion of young people facing precariousness, people with a migration background and vulnerable local communities in Europe.
The ASTRA consortium is a unique European-wide research network bridging the research domains of Social Work and Sustainability, consisting of seven university-based leaders in sustainability research in Social Work, two leading non-university organisations with similar interests in transdisciplinary sustainability research, and eight excellent partner organisations including prominent NGOs and social economy enterprises.
The main objective of the learning opportunities offered by ASTRA is to prepare a new generation of creative and open-minded young researchers of social work, who will be able to creatively address the major challenges faced by social work and it’s service users by using the perspective of sustainable transitions; and who will contribute to transformative knowledge, cross-sectoral policies and multi-agency practices of a similar nature.
ASTRA calls for applications for fifteen Early Stage Researcher (ESR) three year fixed-term positions beginning April 2021, based with members of the ASTRA consortium. ASTRA is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN).
Interested Early Stage Researchers from the field of Social Work may enquire about the project and apply for the positions at www.jyu.fi/astra
Click Here to Applying Sustainability Transition Research in Social Work tackling Major Societal Challenge of Social Inclusion – ASTRA — Astra