Launch of Social Work Education Awards -submissions deadline 24th of April 2023.
Launch of Social Work Education Awards
In the development of its activity and pursuing its mission of promoting Social Work education in Europe, the EASSW will launch three Social Work Education awards for educators, students, researchers, professionals, volunteers and service users which significantly contribute to an improvement of quality in Social Work Education.
The awards consider three different categories:
- Alice Salomon Award
Award on innovative pedagogical and practice experiences in Social Work Education
- Research Award
Award on research in Social Work education
- Student Award
Award for social work student project or thesis
The call for submissions will be open for each category and submissions can be made until Monday the 24th of April 2023. The submission of the awards shall be submitted by the nominees themselves or by a third party. Submissions can be done using the application forms on the EASSW website or by clicking here: Alice Salomon Application Form ; Research Awards Application Form ; Student Award Application Form
Preselection of award nominees: For each award category a maximum of three award nominees will be selected by an award judging panel including one EASSW officer, 2 EASSW Executive Committee Members and one or two EASSW members. The preselection of the nominees will be communicated on Monday the 29th of May 2023 at 1pm, UK time.
The awards nominees will be invited to give an elevator pitch in 10 minutes of their work live or online during the bi-annual ECSWE conference 2023 from 20 until 23th of June hosted by the Social Work School of Porto (ISSSP). One award winner will be nominated for each category during the conference by the conference attendees. A prize of 400€ and a free EASSW membership or free entrance to the next ECSWE conference in 2025 will offered to all three award winners.
The awards are an important opportunity for EASSW members to recognize individuals or teams who have made an important contribution to Social Work Education. Please consult our EASSW website for more information about the Social Work Education category awards, award winning criteria and award winning prize at https://www.eassw.org/awards/ .