Eileen Younghusband Memorial Lecture
Nomination for the biennial Eileen Younghusband Memorial Lecture
In 1984, the biennial Eileen Younghusband Memorial Lecture was inaugurated to commemorate Eileen Younghusband (UK) who was IASSW President from 1961 to 1968. A current social work educator (not necessarily an IASSW member) is invited to speak at the IASSW Congress on a topic of relevance to international social work.
The next Eileen Younghusband Memorial Lecture will be held in Dublin, Ireland during the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in July 2018.
The most recent person nominated for this honor is Prof. Mark Henrickson from Massey University, New Zealand whose lecture entitled ‘Promoting the Dignity and Worth of all People: The privilege of social work’ was delivered during the 2016 Joint Social work congress held in Seoul, South Korea.
According to the current IASSW Manual of Procedures “the speaker must be a distinguished social work educator, who has an international reputation and recognition. Names are solicited from board members, ideally from all regions. The board member suggesting a name is responsible for providing biographical information to support the nomination. The nominator is also asked to write a letter of nomination identifying the reasons for proposing the candidate. The Eileen Younghusband lecturer is selected by vote of the board in the year preceding the Congress”.
Dead-line for 2018 nominations is 30 October, 2017.
E-voting will be held among IASSW Board members in November 2017. Please send a letter of nomination and biographical information or CV (this should provide evidence of the impact of the nominee’s work on social work education at the international level and how this was achieved) to the chair of the Committee by 30th October 2017 via wairireg@gmail.com and copied to IASSW secretary Barbara Shank on bwshank@stthomas.edu