Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Award: Nominations by 30 September, 2019
Nominations are called for the Prestigious Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Award for distinguished contribution to the development of social work education internationally. The nominee can come from any region of the world and may or may not be a member of IASSW. The biography of the nominee must match the required criteria.
For details about the nomination process and guidelines on the criteria,
This information is also available under News & updates of IASSW website :http://www.iassw-aiets.org/
Nominations should be submitted to the chair of the Committee by 30th September 2019 via wairireg@gmail.com and copied to IASSW secretary Barbara Shank on bwshank@stthomas.edu
Let remind you that the Kendall Award -2018 was awarded to Professor Prof. Marilda Villela Iamamoto (Brazil) in Dublin, Ireland.