Support from EASSW to the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe declaration
In this trouble time of pandemic, EASSW as member of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe, with participatory status with Council of Europe fully support the Conference of INGOs in its declaration. It underlines some issues that social workers in their daily work and commitment know very well.
NGOs prove to be the linking pin between an overcharged government and the society. The courage of those who act on the front lines strengthens social cohesion among all components of society.
NGOs fulfill a fundamental role in checking the emergency measures for necessity and proportionality, because any intervention by the State in individual rights and freedoms must be proportional, contextualized and limited in time
Through this declaration, the Conference of INGOs calls for the strengthening of the collective commitment of all stakeholders around the values of solidarity that were at the core of the founding of the Council of Europe 70 years.
Statement by the Standing Committee of the Conference of INGOs: https://www.coe.int/en/web/ingo/-/to-strengthen-the-values-and-rights-on-which-the-council-of-europe-is-built-to-face-the-pandemic-crisis
Robert Bergougnan,
Representative of EASSW and Vice President at the CINGOs.